
Version 1.5

Version 1.5 is the result of a major re-factoring effort.

The former C ImageServer component has been rewritten entirely in C++ and also replaced functionality that was java code.

It is now also responsible for the configuration database and database communication as well as the http based application requests, in summation everything but the front-end bits of TissueStack.

Along the way a good deal of optimization measures were implemented and more are to come such as the memory-caching of image tiles to speed up on-the-fly tiling.

TissueStack binary packages have become much smaller since no java run-time is used any more, nor any application server is needed. JNI and inter-component communication through unix sockets is history as well.

Also: The offline pre-tiler and conversion tools got renamed. They need to be called like this:

TissueStackConverter -i IN_FILE (*.mnc,*.nii,*.nii.gz) -o OUT_FILE
The conversion is done in parallel by three processes (1 per dimension) if the platform has 3 cores or more. The pre-tiling is fine-grained enough (see command-line parameters) such that it can be started in parallel easily.


The new binaries can be found at:




Installation Notes:

The debian package has been built/tested on Ubuntu 14.04. It is very likely that it is not compatible with the latest Debian versions for differences in library versions that TissueStack depends on and/or apache/postgres configuration differences. On the plus side all dependencies can be gotten through the Ubuntu 14.04 repositories which is not the case for the redhat based distros (see below).

The install procedure is slightly tedious and involves the following steps:
sudo apt-get install apache2 postgresql  [to get dependencies that need to be configured beforehand]
sudo dpkg -i tissuestack_1.5_amd64.deb [which will fail, so don't be surprised!]
sudo apt-get install -f [which will deal with the causes of failure in the step above]

There is now an el6 version which was built and tested on CentOS 6.5.
It requires you to also download and install the builds of nifticlib (2.0.0) and minc (2.1.0) which can be found in the same location as the tissuestack rpm.

The Fedora 19 package only needs the minc (2.1.0) rpm to be installed which again can be found in the same location.

**** UPDATE *****

There is now also a Debian 7 and an OpenSUSE 13.1 package in the respective directories.

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